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How to create a new many to many reference in Javascript?

Imagine I have one user and one other user. The former would like to follow the latter, which I have designed as a many to many relashionship. How can I do it in Javascript? I need something like user.followers.append(other) .

In real life you use database connections for that, and you must have a backend already built. But if you're just playing with objects in JS, then you need a User class with a follow method.

function User (params) => {
  const {
    friends = []
  } = params

  this.name = name
  this.age = age
  this.friends = friends

  this.follow = (newFriend) => {

  this.showFriends = () => {

Then you create two users.

const user = new User({
  name: "Joe",
  age: 25

const other = new User({
  name: "Francis",
  age: 27

Then you make one dude follow the other.


Then you can log the user's friends to see what's up.


Make user.followers as array. So that you can push the userid of the user who is trying to follow them.


user = {'id': 'current_user_id',
        'followers' : ['user_id_1', 'user_id_2'....]

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