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How to modify an array of objects to new values based on another array in ReactJs?

I have 2 arrays as below, I want to update the array1 value based on array2 value for example in array1.name I want to set it's value to array2.uName 's value and updated array should be const array1 = [{name: "aman", age:"26"},...] . How to achieve this in React?

Actually I want to map through new modified array and return an component with the data combined both arrays but array1 should be updated based on array2 which I am getting from api .

 const array1 = [{ name: "abc", age: "123" }, { name: "bcd", age: "456" }, ]; const array2 = [{ uAddress: "India", uAge: "26", uNum: "12345", uName: "aman" }, { uAge: "46", uAddress: "India", uNum: "6789", uName: "rohan" }, ];

Use forEach to iterate through your list, and set the fields accordingly.

array1.forEach((person, index) => { 
  person.name = array2[index].uName; 
  person.age = array2[index].uAge;

Result: [ { name: 'aman', age: '26' }, { name: 'rohan', age: '46' } ]


array1.forEach((person, index) => {
  let copyFromPerson = array2.find(ele => ele.id === person.id)
  person.name = copyFromPerson.uName; 
  person.age = copyFromPerson.uAge;

This isn't really a React-specific thing, but if you use a forEach higher-order function you can achieve this update.

array1.forEach((item, index) => { 
   item.age = array2[index].uAge
   item.name = array2[index].uName

console.log(array1[0]) // {name: "aman", age: "26"}

Note: In the description, you said array1.name . I just want to make sure you know that that won't work. array1 is an array of objects, so in order to use dot notation to access a property, you need to clarify which index of the array you want access. Such as array1[0] or array1[1] . Then you can do array1[0].name

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