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Merge and split tiff images using RPG programming language

Has anyone ever split or merged tiff image files using the “RPG” programming language? I know it can be done using Java and libTiff but I need RPG to do it as this is a pure RPG shop. I would appreciate any code showing this implementation.

The best way to do this without writing Java, barring that you actually find an RPG library to do this, is to get an open source library to do it. Whether that library is C or Java, then you just need to write the RPG prototypes to make the RPG calls into C or Java. But you don't have to maintain any C or Java code. Of course, the C might have to be ported, and someone will have to know enough about C or Java to write the prototypes. The porting of C might present a challenge, but writing the prototypes will be easy enough.

I found this: http://www.libtiff.org/build.html should be able to be built into PASE, then you will have C routines that you can build into a service program and call from RPGLE.

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