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AlloyDB tcp:5433 timeout

dial tcp:5433 timeout on the auth proxy end when trying connect local private IP address of the AlloyDB instance i/o timeout

failed to connect to instance: Dial error: failed to dial (instance URI = "projects/myproject/locations/us-central1/clusters/mycluster/instances/myprimary"): dial tcp i/o timeout

./alloydb-auth-proxy projects/<projects_name>/locations/<instance_location>/clusters/<cluster_name>/instances/<instance_name> --credentials-file <path_to_key> --port 5432 --address

ps i was having the same issue, it is because of the " between the uri. now i fix it by running command above

From the comments:

The problem is accessing from local won't work. AlloyDB currently doesn't implement a Public IP connection, so the only way to connect to it is from within the same VPC (cloud network) as the AlloyDB cluster itself. That's why connecting from a GCE instance on the same network works while connecting from the local machine does not.

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