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Merging 2 arrays with different size by the same value of their keys in javascript

Can I merge 2 arrays with the same value of the same key? Already tried using map.set() but it wont work on my end.

const errArray = [
 { 'id': 1, 'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"] }
 { 'id': 2, 'error': ["Error 3", "Error4"] }

const warnArray = [
 { 'id': 1, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]}

I want to have a result of :

 { 'id': 1, 
   'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"],
   'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]
 }, {
   'id': 2,
   'error': ["Error 3", "Error4]

You first concat them into one array. Then group by id , extending into each other those who match by id . Then finally flatten the object into array.

 const errArray = [{ 'id': 1, 'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"] }, { 'id': 2, 'error': ["Error 3", "Error4"] } ] const warnArray = [{ 'id': 1, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"] }] var combined = errArray.concat(warnArray) var result = Object.values(combined.reduce(function(agg, value) { agg[value.id] = Object.assign({}, value, agg[value.id]); return agg; }, {})); console.log(result)

You can make an array of unique id by mapping each array to its id and creating a spread Set of them with [...new Set(Array)] . Then you can map each key to a combined object with Object.assign() and array.find() :

 const errArray = [ { 'id': 1, 'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"] }, { 'id': 2, 'error': ["Error 3", "Error4"] } ] const warnArray = [ { 'id': 1, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]} ] const keys = [ ...new Set([ ...errArray.map((v) => v.id), // [1, 2] ...warnArray.map((v) => v.id) // [1] ]), ]; // keys = [1, 2] const combined = keys.map((key) => Object.assign({}, errArray.find((v) => v.id === key), warnArray.find((v) => v.id === key) ) ); console.log(combined)

const errArray = [
    { 'id': 1, 'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"] },
    { 'id': 2, 'error': ["Error 3", "Error4"] }]

const warnArray = [
    { 'id': 1, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]},
    { 'id': 2, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]},
    { 'id': 3, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]}

let merged = []

if(errArray.length > warnArray.length){
    merged = errArray.map((item, i) => Object.assign({}, item, warnArray[i]));
    merged = warnArray.map((item, i) => Object.assign({}, item, errArray[i]));


Here is the implementation using the map:

 const errArray = [ { 'id': 1, 'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"] }, { 'id': 2, 'error': ["Error 3", "Error4"] } ] const warnArray = [ { 'id': 1, 'warning': ["Error 5", "Error6"]} ] const myMap = new Map(); errArray.forEach(err => { myMap.set(err.id, err); }); warnArray.forEach(warn => { if(!myMap.has(warn.id)) { myMap.set(warn.id, warn); } else { // You might want to do better merging than this, if the objects are complex const mergedObj = Object.assign({}, myMap.get(warn.id), warn); myMap.set(warn.id, mergedObj) } }); const resultArr = Array.from(myMap.values()); console.log(resultArr)

This works on my end

const err = [{ 
    'id': 1, 
    'error': ["Error 1", "Error2"]

const warn = [{ 
    'id': 1, 
    'warning': ["Warn 1", "Warn 2"]

const map = new Map();

err.forEach(item => map.set(item.id, item));

warn.forEach(item => map.set(item.id, {...map.get(item.id), ...item}));

const combined = Array.from(map.values());


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