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Tomcat server logs not showing in spring boot application

I have a spring boot application where I have configured a listener consuming messages in a queue. I also have a controller which is used for healthcheck purposes. When the service starts, I get the following logs. But I don't see any logs on the Tomcat server atarting and the port it is running on.

2022-07-15 15:39:24.628  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] org.hibernate.Version                    : HHH000412: Hibernate Core {5.3.7.Final}
2022-07-15 15:39:24.630  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] org.hibernate.cfg.Environment            : HHH000206: hibernate.properties not found
2022-07-15 15:39:24.789  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] o.hibernate.annotations.common.Version   : HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.0.4.Final}
2022-07-15 15:39:24.940  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect            : HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
2022-07-15 15:39:25.888  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean : Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2022-07-15 15:39:26.911  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] o.h.h.i.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator  : HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
2022-07-15 15:39:28.112  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor  : Initializing ExecutorService 'threadPoolTaskExecutorForPlatformStatus'
2022-07-15 15:39:33.946  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor  : Initializing ExecutorService
2022-07-15 15:39:34.182  INFO [bo-bse-permissible-users-job,,,] 226627 --- [           main] c.p.e.bo.BoBsePermissibleApplication     : Started BoBsePermissibleApplication in 16.853 seconds (JVM running for 17.168)

I have another similar service and following are the logs shown

2022-07-15 15:43:57.812  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8000 (http)
2022-07-15 15:43:57.813  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService   : Starting service [Tomcat]
2022-07-15 15:43:57.813  INFO 227112 --- [           main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine  : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.16]
2022-07-15 15:43:57.819  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat-1].[localhost].[/]     : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2022-07-15 15:43:57.819  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.s.web.context.ContextLoader            : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 77 ms
2022-07-15 15:43:57.843  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver      : Exposing 26 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/actuator'
2022-07-15 15:43:57.912  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8000 (http) with context path ''
2022-07-15 15:43:57.932  INFO 227112 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 5555 (http) with context path ''
2022-07-15 15:43:57.933  INFO 227112 --- [           main] c.p.b.e.BoConsumerExchangeAckApplication : Started BoConsumerExchangeAckApplication in 13.602 seconds (JVM running for 13.873)

I can see the tomcat server logs in the other application even though all the dependencies are pretty much the same.

I can also see the tomcat jars present in the external libraries: tomcat-embed-core-9.0.16.jar , tomcat-embed-el-9.0.16.jar , tomcat-embed-websocket-9.0.16.jar .

The service is consuming the message and processing it but I'm struggling to deploy it on a server.


Found the issue, one line in the application.properties file was causing this.


Removed this and I was able to see the port in which tomcat has started and was able to hit my controller correctly.

Try this!

Define the following in application.yml or application.properties


Alternatively, before starting your application, you can also check Enable debug output in your Run configurations !

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