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How to filter django queryset based on hours range?

class MyModelSerializer(serailizers.ModelSerializer):
        hour = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

        def get_hour(self, obj):
           created_at = obj.created_at # datetime
           now = datetime.now()
           return (now - datetime).total_seconds() // 3600
        class Meta:
           model = MyModel
           fields = "__all__"

In the api there are 3 static filter parameters:

  1. filter list upto 3 hr
  2. filter list between 3 to 12hr
  3. filter list above 12 hr

How can I filter below api based on the hour that has been calulated in the above serializer ?

For example if I filter by upto3 then the list should return all the objects having hr less or equal to 3.

The below way returns if the hours matches the exact value only.

 def get_list(request):
     qs = MyModel.objects.all()
     hr = request.GET.get("hr")
     if hr:
         hr = int(hr)
         frm = now() - timedelta(hours=hr+1)
         to = now() - timedelta(hours=hr)
         qs = qs.filter(created_at__range=(frm, to))
         return MyModelSerializer(qs, many=True).data 


I want a filter like this .

     upto_3h = request.GET.get("upto_3hr", False)
     if upto_3h:
         # filter which has hour less or equal to 3h
     between_3_to_12 = request.GET.get("between_3_to_12", False)
     if between_3_to_12:
         # filter accordingly

     above_12 = request.GET.get("above_12", False)
     if above_12:
         # filter accordingly

You can filter with:

from datetime import timedelta
from django.db.models.functions import Now

if request.GET.get('upto_3hr'):
    qs = qs.filter(created_at__gte=Now()-timedelta(hours=3))
elif request.GET.get('between_3_to_12'):
    qs = qs.filter(created_at__range=(
        Now()-timedelta(hours=12), Now()-timedelta(hours=3))
elif request.GET.get('above_12'):
    qs = qs.filter(created_at__lte=Now()-timedelta(hours=12))
# …

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