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php preg_replace. {} multi line

I want to replace braced word to input box ;

$regex = "/\{(\w+)\}/"  ;
$string = " i have a {dream}. <br> you have to {dream} " ;
$output =  preg_replace( $regex  , '<input class="gts-input" value="$1" />' , $string );

it's good

But multi word in brace. it does not works

$regex = "/\{(\w+)\}/"  ;
$string = " i have a {dream}. <br> you have to {dream dream} " ;
$output =  preg_replace( $regex  , '<input class="gts-input" value="$1" />' , $string );

==> it not works. did not change second brace {dream dream} How i do? help me please.

You can use


$regex = "/(?:\G(?!\A)|\{)\s*(\w+)(?=[^{}]*})}?/"  ;
$string = " i have a {dream}. <br> you have to {dream dream} " ;
$output =  preg_replace( $regex  , '<input class="gts-input" value="$1" />' , $string );
echo $output;

See the PHP demo . Output:

i have a <input class="gts-input" value="dream" />. <br> you have to <input class="gts-input" value="dream" /><input class="gts-input" value="dream" /> 


  • (?:\G(?!\A)|\{) - either the end of the previous successful match or a { char
  • \s* - zero or more whitespaces
  • (\w+) - Group 1: one or more word chars
  • (?=[^{}]*}) - a positive lookahead that matches a position that is immediately followed with zero or more chars other than { and } and then a } char
  • }? - an optional } .

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