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How to integrate a flutter module in android?

I am trying to integrate a flutter module in my android native project with Kotlin language. I am getting errors while following the steps given in the docs .

I have followed the steps mentioned in the docs:


C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\DataStore> flutter create -t module --org com.example my_flutter


C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\DataStore> cd my_flutter


C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\DataStore\my_flutter> flutter build aar


Consuming the Module

  1. OLD WAY: Open \app\build.gradle

    NEW WAY: Add repository inside repositories block of dependencyResolutionManagement and pluginManagement blocks in settings.gradle

  2. Ensure you have the repositories configured, otherwise add them:

 String storageUrl = System.env.FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL ?: "https://storage.googleapis.com" repositories { maven { url 'C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\DataStore\my_flutter\build\host\outputs\repo' } maven { url "$storageUrl/download.flutter.io" } }
  1. Make the host app depend on the Flutter module:
dependencies {
  debugImplementation 'com.example.my_flutter:flutter_debug:1.0'
  profileImplementation 'com.example.my_flutter:flutter_profile:1.0'
  releaseImplementation 'com.example.my_flutter:flutter_release:1.0'

  1. Add the profile build type:
android {
  buildTypes {
    profile {
      initWith debug

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