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Use KIE 7.73.0.Final with Camel 3.11.7 in Karaf 4.4.0

I want to migrate KIE 6.2.0.Final and DROOLS 6.2.0.Final which work fine with Apache Camel 2.25 in Apache Servicemix 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT (Karaf 4.0.7) to

KIE 7.73.0.Final, DROOLS 7.73.0.Final, Apache Camel 3.11.7 in Apache Karaf 4.4.0

I checked all kie-camel.jar Versions, they use and implement intern camel 2.24. But this jar can not work for me, because the KiePolicy class which implements Policy Class in Camel3 has different Methods than Camel2.

    <version>7.73.0.Final </version>

Where can I find the kie-camel jar which using camel 3?

Is there any documentation or Examples which explain using Kie, Drools 7.73.0.Final with Camel 3 in Karaf 4.4.0?

Best regards Amjad

I looked through the Drools github repositories and it looks like kie-parent pins Camel 2.24.0 up until now. (All releases, and current 'main' branch.)

As of now, there's no official version of kie-camel with a Camel 3 dependency. You'll need to either fork the repository and fix it yourself, find a third-party library that provides the same functionality, or implement the Camel 3 support yourself.

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