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how to update secrets manager secret value from lambda function?

I have a access token retrieved from an api and its lifetimes is 5 hours. I saw that secrets manager can rotate a secret but minimum rotation time is 1 day. Because of this i thought that i can write a lambda function that works every 5 hours and takes a new token from api and updates secret with this token. This answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/66610124/11902308 mentions that it can be done but i couldn't find any resource about how to update a secret from a lambda function.

Note: I have multiple task and token is invalid when a new one is generated because of that task have to share it.

You didn't mention which AWS SDK you are using, but here is an example for AWS SDK for JS to create or update a Secret. Additionally, it handles the case for deleted secrets (SecretsManager doesn't delete secrets immediately, it marks them as scheduled for deletion) and restores and updates them.

import { AWSError } from 'aws-sdk';
import SecretsManager, { SecretARNType } from 'aws-sdk/clients/secretsmanager';

const secretsManager = new SecretsManager({ apiVersion: '2017-10-17' });

const putSecret = async (name: string, secret: Record<string, unknown>, secretId?: SecretARNType): Promise<SecretARNType> => {
  try {
    const result = secretId
      ? secretsManager.updateSecret({
          SecretId: secretId,
          SecretString: JSON.stringify(secret),
      : secretsManager.createSecret({
          Name: name,
          SecretString: JSON.stringify(secret),

    const { ARN } = await result.promise();

    if (!ARN) throw new Error(`Error saving secret ${name}`);

    return ARN;
  } catch (error) {
    const awsError = error as AWSError;

    // InvalidRequestException indicates that the secret is scheduled for deletion
    if (awsError.code === 'InvalidRequestException') {
      // restore existng secret
      await secretsManager
          SecretId: secretId || name,
      // update secret
      const { ARN } = await secretsManager
          SecretId: secretId || name,
          SecretString: JSON.stringify(secret),

      if (!ARN) throw new Error(`Error restoring secret ${name}`);

      return ARN;

    throw error;

The code is in TypeScript, but should be easily converted into the language of your choice because the AWS SDK functions have the same name in other languages.

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