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trying to detect id the user is between the first 8 hours and next 8 hours or last 8 hours

I am trying to create a log entry where i want to check if the user is visiting first time or 2nd or 3rd time or multiple times

In this case i am considering the time to be split into 8,16,26 so if the same user is coming back and forth in first 8 hours, it should only make one entry in db and if the user is again coming back in the next 8 hours it should make another entry and once the entry is made within the 8 hour slot, he can come and go multiple times but only 1 entry will be made

so in that case i am trying to use the code starting here

 var sessionRotated = dateConvert('local2Utc', now()).hour();
<cfif sessionRotated  LTE 8> <!--- first entry --->
    <cfset entry_1 = true>

<cfif sessionRotated  LTE 16 AND sessionRotated  gte 8> <!--- first entry --->
    <cfset entry_2 = true>

<cfif sessionRotated  LTE 16 and sessionRotated  GTE 24> <!--- first entry --->
    <cfset entry_3 = true>

but i am missing a logic here how can i use it along with the IPAddress

any idea

A couple of things here.

  1. You're only looking at the hour of the current time. This has no relation to the previous time a user visited your site. You need dateDiff() in here somewhere
  2. You'll have to store the last visit datetime in your database.
  3. Optionally, you can update a cookie every time you get a new hit from this user and have that for your dateDiff()

Other points: Cookies can be cleared. This isn't foolproof. IP Addresses can change. VPN's, new connection at a different Starbucks, different computer, etc. If you have a login system, that's a much better way to track a specific user. Anytime you're looking at just the HOUR, you aren't considering first hit at 11am, next hit at 2pm.

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