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How do you sort a dictionary by a key's dictionary's value?

How can I sort a dictionary using the values of a key's dictionary?


myDict = {
    "VALUE1": 10,
    "VALUE2": 5,
    "VALUE3": 3
    "VALUE1": 5,
    "VALUE2": 3,
    "VALUE3": 1
    "VALUE1": 15,
    "VALUE2": 2,
    "VALUE3": 4

Expected output:

myDict = {
  "3": {
    "VALUE1": 15,
    "VALUE2": 2,
    "VALUE3": 4
  "1": {
    "VALUE1": 10,
    "VALUE2": 5,
    "VALUE3": 3

  "2": {
    "VALUE1": 5,
    "VALUE2": 3,
    "VALUE3": 1

It is now sorted by the value of keys VALUE1 How would I get the expected output?


newDict = dict(sorted(myDict.items(), key = lambda x: x[1]['VALUE1'], reverse=True))


{'3': {'VALUE1': 15, 'VALUE2': 2, 'VALUE3': 4},
 '1': {'VALUE1': 10, 'VALUE2': 5, 'VALUE3': 3},
 '2': {'VALUE1': 5, 'VALUE2': 3, 'VALUE3': 1}}

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