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How to use FormHelper and FluentValidation in .netcore 6 razor pages

I am moving away from mvc to razor pages but can't seem to find my way around with the validation using fluent validator and FormHelper.

Normally with the mvc pattern

Public async Task<IActionResult> submitFormAction()
    // do something 
    return View();

With Razor page

 public class AddModel : PageModel
     public void OnGet()


     [FormValidator] // *'FormValidator' cannot be applied to razor page handler method it may be applied to either Razor page model or applied globally* 
     public async Task OnPostAsync()

Have you looked into the following package for integrating FluentValidation into an ASP.NET Core application?

I believe this will include the necessary extension method(s) to allow you to register FluentValidation as the service you want to leverage for performing validation.


You can use this git Issues:

ASP.NET Core Razor Pages - validator for PageModel not invoked, even though validators for properties are invoked properly #887


For anyone else facing the same issue.

The problem is with FluentValidation , in previous version .netcore you could register the FluentValidation service by simply

service.AddFluentValidation(config => config.RegisterValidatorsFromAssemblyContaining<StartUp>());

with the code above .netcore uses reflection to register all the classes in StartUp.cs assembly that inherits AbstractValidator<T>

but with the .netcore 6, i had to still use the code above but replaced the Startup with Program as .netcore 6 doesn't make use of StartUp.cs and still had to implicitly register the validation services

builder.Services.AddTransient<IValidator<SomeClass>, SomeClassValidator>();

This works for me but i have a feeling it could be simplified more because if am working on a large app and i have upto 20 validators my Program.cs won't be maintainable

PS: the [FormValidator] on the action method is obsolete as using the asp-FormHelper="true" tag helper along is okay

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