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Update table with another table values (several columns) in R

I am trying in R to update a table A with another table B only when values in table B are not NA. For example, if table A is:

表 A

and table B is:

表 B

I would like to have, as a result:


Would anyone the best way to do that?

A <- tribble(
  ~ name, ~X1, ~X2, ~X3,
  "AX", 1, 1, NA,
  "BL", 6, 1, 3,
  "CD",NA, 4, 6,
  "DA", 4, NA, NA)

B <- tribble(
  ~ name, ~X1, ~X2, ~X3,
  "AX", 4, 5, 6,
  "BL", NA, 3, 4,
  "DA", NA, 4, 6)

bind_rows(A, B) %>% 
  group_by(name) %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), ~ ifelse(!is.na(last(.)), last(.), first(.))))

  name     X1    X2    X3
  <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AX        4     5     6
2 BL        6     3     4
3 CD       NA     4     6
4 DA        4     4     6

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