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Autocompletions in IDEs don't work for cv2

I started to work with intel RealSense devices which uses pyrealsense2 python library. After installing that library with a great effort on Ubuntu, I also install opencv and numpy libraries. Since these libraries contain many many functions, autocompletion plays a big role.

However, it does not work for me with some libraries. For example, in VSCode and PyCharm, autocompletion for numpy library works well but for cv2 & pyrealsense2 it does not.

numpy was installed with pip, pyrealsense2 was installed from source and cv2 was installed with both pip and PyCharm packages.

I searched it for a long time but did not find a useful answer. If you want additional information don't hesitate to ask, please.

Not sure about Pycharm, but for VSCode, you can select the interpreter path, and if you're using the correct Python environment that has the library, it will surely show up

cv2 autocompletes

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