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Batch: goto sections not working correctly

I have a batch file that's not properly using the goto commands the way I want it to. Here's the batch itself (some comments and extra echo commands cut out to make it fit here better). I'll call this " compile.bat ".

@echo off

set "consoleChoice=%~1"
goto consoleChoiceCheck
REM console not selected, main compiler prompt not used, pick console
CHOICE /C 12345 /M "Which console are you using? "
IF ERRORLEVEL 5 SET consoleChoice=XB & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 4 SET consoleChoice=PSP & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 3 SET consoleChoice=PS2 & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET consoleChoice=GC & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET consoleChoice=PC & goto modPackSection
REM Checks if console was selected from main compiler script/if main compiler script was used
if "%consoleChoice%"=="" goto consoleChoicePrompt

REM get mod pack choice from main compiler script
set "modPackChoice=%~2"
goto modPackChoiceCheck
REM mod pack not selected, main compiler prompt not used, pick mod pack
CHOICE /C 1234 /M "Which Mod Pack are you using? "
IF ERRORLEVEL 4 SET modPackChoice=MUE & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 3 SET modPackChoice=BHE & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET modPackChoice=AXE & goto section2
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET modPackChoice=X2UP & goto section2
REM Checks if mod pack was selected from main compiler script/if main compiler script was used
if "%modPackChoice%"=="" goto modPackChoicePrompt


Here's the relevant code from the batch file that calls this one. I'll call this " globalCompile.bat "

CHOICE /C 12345 /M "Which console are you using? "
IF ERRORLEVEL 5 SET consoleChoice=XB & goto :skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 4 SET consoleChoice=PSP & goto :skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 3 SET consoleChoice=PS2 & goto :skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET consoleChoice=GC & goto :skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET consoleChoice=PC & goto :modPackSection

CHOICE /C 1234 /M "Which Mod Pack are you using? "
IF ERRORLEVEL 4 SET modPackChoice=MUE & goto skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 3 SET modPackChoice=BHE & goto skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 SET modPackChoice=AXE & goto skinPackSection
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET modPackChoice=X2UP & goto skinPackSection


if %consoleChoice%==PC (
    call compile.bat %consoleChoice% %modPackChoice%
) else (
    call compile.bat %consoleChoice%

As you can see, compile.bat is set up to run by being called from globalCompile.bat , but it can be run independently as well. Here's the issue:

  • compile.bat runs correctly when called by itself. If you choose PC for consoleChoice , it will put up the prompt for modPackChoice . If you choose any other thing for consoleChoice, it will skip over that prompt.
  • globalCompile.bat runs correctly when you choose the PC option in globalCompile.bat . It will ask for modPackChoice , and then run through and call all the respective batch files.
  • globalCompile.bat messes up the execution of compile.bat if a non-PC option is chosen for consoleChoice . The modPackChoice prompt will not show up whenever I'm inputting things into globalCompile.bat , but once it starts calling the other batch files and gets to compile.bat , it will pull up compile.bat 's prompt for modPackChoice

I'm confused why this is happening, especially since it works fine on its own. Of all the batch files called by globalCompile.bat , compile.bat is the only one that uses a variable conditionally like this. I thought that setting up an if statement to only use the modPackChoice variable as an input for compile.bat if the PC option is selected, but that didn't work as you can see. Really, I feel like it should work without that because the goto section2 command should skip over :modPackSection entirely. Can anyone help explain why this might be working only when called on its own?

If global calls compile with a non-pc choice made, then it supplies compile with only the first parameter.

Hence, compile will recognise %~1 , ignore the goto in :consoleChoiceCheck as consoleChoice is not empty, and proceed to :modPackSection

modPackChoice will be set to empty as %2 is not supplied, and therefore :modPackChoiceCheck will execute goto modPackChoicePrompt

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