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How to indicate use_scm_version in setup.cfg?

I'm switching from using setup.py to setup.cfg . How can I indicate in setup.cfg that I want use_scm_version= True ?

Did you try the following:

from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.config import read_configuration

conf_dict = read_configuration("setup.cfg")
PKG_NAME = conf_dict['metadata']['name']

    use_scm_version={"write_to": f"{PKG_NAME}/_version.py"},

Source: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm/issues/582

I have resolved this by adding pyproject.toml file with following code, forcing building to be implemented with setuptools_scm :

# pyproject.toml
requires = ["setuptools>=45", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

version_scheme = "post-release"

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