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bash rest-api call authentication problem, I propaly use wrong syntax in my rest-api call but can't find the error

I wrote a powershell script for setting downtimes in our monitoring software "checkmk" and now I have to convert that so a bash script because we are switching from windows server to linux.

user will be "XXX" password will be "YYY" and the hostname will be "ZZZ"

For that I used the documentation from CheckMK: documentation for show sheduled downtimes documentation for setting a downtime

and in the end it looks like that:

   Downtime per Rest API bei Check MK Setzen
   Doku https://apt-omd-vip.ads.vhv.de/umbrella/check_mk/openapi/#operation/cmk.gui.plugins.openapi.endpoints.downtime.create_host_related_downtime
   30 min Downtime Setzen  = 1800 sekunden
   Example of how to use this cmdlet
   Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function set-Downtime
        #Zeit soll die Downtime in Minuten angeben, wird dieseer Parameter leer gelassen wird Standdardmäßig 30min verwendet.


    # Abfrage der DownTimes, sonst kein Connect möglich

    $headers = @{
    ‘Accept’ = ‘application/json’
    ‘Authorization’ = “Bearer $USERNAME $PASSWORD”

    $body = @{
             'host_name' = $HOSTNAME
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 

    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -uri “here was a URL” -Headers $headers -Body  $body 


    # DownTime

    $headers = @{
    'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
    ‘Accept’ = ‘application/json’
    ‘Authorization’ = “Bearer $USERNAME $PASSWORD”

    $datum_start = (get-date).AddHours(-2).ToString("u") 
    $datum_ende = (get-date).AddHours(-2).addminutes($TIME).ToString("u") ;
    $comment = "$TIME min Restart Downtime, $EXTRAINFO"

    $body =@{
            start_time = $datum_start;
            end_time =   $datum_ende;
            comment =  $comment;
            host_name = $HOSTNAME;
            downtime_type = 'host';
             }  | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -uri "here was a URL" -Headers $headers -Body $body

I apologize for the english-german mix in the script but in theory you shouldn't need my comments.

I reconstructed the command from this bash to powershell help blog Here is one time my bash script hole and after that I will only post the part I changed:



base_url='here was a URL'

#header=["Accep"t = "application/json"
#"Authorisation" = "Bearer $user $passwd"]
#body1=["host_name" = "ZZZ"]

curl -u $user_pass -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -d {'host_name: ZZZ'} 'here was an URL'

as I am still unexperienced in bash I tried my decleration of variables with the '' and "" quotes because I am still not shure when to use what (but thats not the question here) Answer is following:

{"title": "You need to be authenticated to use the REST API.", "status": 401}

Next thing I tried was a header construct similar to my ps script:

header=( ["Accept"]="application/json" ["Authorization"]="Bearer XXX YYY")

curl --anyauth -X GET --header $header -d {'host_name: ZZZ'} 'here was an URL'

the answer this times was way longer but in the end I got the same error message :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "censored doc url">
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<body onload="swOnLoad();">
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<table class='logoTable'>
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      <a href='http://www.mcafee.com'>
        <img src='censored'>a>
<!-- FileName: authenticationrequired.html
     Language: [en]
<table class='titleTable' background='censored.jpg'>
    <td class='titleData'>
      Authentication Required

<table class="contentTable">
    <td class="contentData">
      You must be authenticated to access this URL.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
   urlprotocol = "http";

   if(statuscode==401 && urlprotocol == "ftp"){
      document.write("<form name=\"ftpform\" method=\"get\" action=\"\">");
      document.write("<table class=\"contentData\">");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\" colspan=2>Please enter youcredentials in the form below and click \"Access FTP\" button if your browser esn't present authentication prompt for FTP sites.</td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\">Username:</td><td><input te=\"text\" id=\"ftpUsername\" name=\"ftpUsername\" size=40 /></td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\">Password:</td><td><input te=\"password\" id=\"ftpPassword\" name=\"ftpPassword\" size=40 /></td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\" colspan=2 align=center><int type=\"button\" onclick=\"redirectToFTP();\" value=\"Access FTP\" /></td></t");

   function redirectToFTP(){
      var username=escape(document.getElementById("ftpUsername").value);
      var password=escape(document.getElementById("ftpPassword").value);
      location.href = "ftp://"+username+":"+password+"@XXX:80/"

<table class="infoTable">
    <td class="infoData">
      <b>URL: </b><script type="censored");</script><br />

<table class='policyTable'>
    <td class='policyHeading'>
      Company Acceptable Use Policy
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      This is an optional acceptable use disclaimer that appears on every pageYou may change the wording or remove this section entirely in index.html.
<table class='footTable'>
    <td class='helpDeskData' background='censored'>
      For assistance, please contact your system administrator.
    <td class='footData'>
      generated <span id="time">2022-08-09 14:58:22</span> by McAfee Web Gatew
      <br />
      curl/7.60.0<br />
Node: censored<br />
Client IP: censored<br />
User: <br />
User-Groups:  <br />
Authentication Method: <br />
Rule Set: Authentication with Kerberos and NTLM Fallback<br />
Rule: Perform Authentication<br />

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "censored">
<!-- FileName: index.html
     Language: [en]
  <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
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  <title>McAfee Web Gateway - Notification</title>
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  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/default/styleeet.css" />
<body onload="swOnLoad();">
  <table class='bodyTable'>
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<table class='logoTable'>
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      <a href='http://www.mcafee.com'>
        <img src='censored'>a>
<!-- FileName: authenticationrequired.html
     Language: [en]
<table class='titleTable' background='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/defaulimg/bg_navbar.jpg'>
    <td class='titleData'>
      Authentication Required

<table class="contentTable">
    <td class="contentData">
      You must be authenticated to access this URL.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
   urlprotocol = "http";

   if(statuscode==401 && urlprotocol == "ftp"){
      document.write("<form name=\"ftpform\" method=\"get\" action=\"\">");
      document.write("<table class=\"contentData\">");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\" colspan=2>Please enter youcredentials in the form below and click \"Access FTP\" button if your browser esn't present authentication prompt for FTP sites.</td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\">Username:</td><td><input te=\"text\" id=\"ftpUsername\" name=\"ftpUsername\" size=40 /></td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\">Password:</td><td><input te=\"password\" id=\"ftpPassword\" name=\"ftpPassword\" size=40 /></td></tr>");
      document.write("<tr><td class=\"contentData\" colspan=2 align=center><int type=\"button\" onclick=\"redirectToFTP();\" value=\"Access FTP\" /></td></t");

   function redirectToFTP(){
      var username=escape(document.getElementById("ftpUsername").value);
      var password=escape(document.getElementById("ftpPassword").value);
      location.href = "ftp://"+username+":"+password+"@YYY:80/"

<table class="infoTable">
    <td class="infoData">
      <b>URL: </b><script type="text/javascript">break_line("http://setDownTim");</script><br />

<table class='policyTable'>
    <td class='policyHeading'>
      Company Acceptable Use Policy
    <td class='policyData'>
      This is an optional acceptable use disclaimer that appears on every pageYou may change the wording or remove this section entirely in index.html.
<table class='footTable'>
    <td class='helpDeskData' background='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/deflt/img/bg_navbar.jpg'>
      For assistance, please contact your system administrator.
    <td class='footData'>
      generated <span id="time">2022-08-09 14:58:22</span> by McAfee Web Gatew
      <br />
      curl/7.60.0<br />
Node:censored<br />
Client IP: censored<br />
User: <br />
User-Groups:  <br />
Authentication Method: <br />
Rule Set: Authentication with Kerberos and NTLM Fallback<br />
Rule: Perform Authentication<br />

{"title": "You need to be authenticated to use the REST API.", "status": 401}

I needed to cut that part because I was over the characterlimit for the post...

I think that my error is not that hard to solve but I dont know enough about bash to search for the right things so please get easy on me. I used bash the first time in june this year so try to keep the answers a bit simpler than to an usual bash user please, thank you in advance for your help and consideration.

Like I guessed my problem was a minor one... only thing wrong was the ":" in my headers, just had to exchange them for "=".

Well got a new problem but I doubt that you guys can help me when I am not allowed to share more information about our server and applications.

<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>Bad Request</h1>
<p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />

afer that message I did the same thing in the body like in my header but that didnt do the thing.

Here's a rewrite of your script in bash using curl , because it'll be easier to discuss against an example rather than an abstract in comments.

This, at least to my eyes, does exactly what your Powershell script is doing.



# first Invoke-RestMethod, which is a GET with JSON...

# -1 means "use TLS1 or newer"

# -XGET is required here to force it to be a request
# that uses GET with a body, since curl would default to POST
# if '-d' is specified

# -w "%{http_code}\n" means output the http code

# if you want to suppress all other output and only 
# get the http code output, specify these additional options:
# -o /dev/null -s

curl $url -1 -XGET \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $username $password" \
    -w "%{http_code}\n" \
    -d "{ \"host_name\": \"$hostname\" }"
# Downtime Invoke-RestMethod


# because in your original, you do (now - 2 hours) + $minutes_diff 
# so it's just now -(120 - $minutes_diff) minutes
end_diff=$(( 120 - $minutes_diff ))

# This was based on you using the .NET -u specifier which is
# intended for use with UTC DateTime objects

# I don't know if you actually want your timestamps derived
# from UTC time, which is what "-u" does for the date command

start_time=$(date -u -d "$start_diff minutes ago" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ")

end_time=$(date -u -d "$end_diff  minutes ago" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ")

# you didn't have an EXTRAINFO in your original script
# so I left it out
comment="$minutes_diff min Restart Downtime"

# The -d @- <<-JSON uses a heredoc so I can
# more nicely express the JSON you send

curl $url -1 \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $username $password" \
    -w "%{http_code}\n" \
    -d @- <<-JSON
    "start_time": "$start_time",
    "end_time": "$end_time",
    "comment": "$comment",
    "host_name": "$hostname",
    "downtime_type": "host"

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