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setup.py not packaging application

Windows 10

Python 3.10.4

I have a very basic python package linked here for reference: https://github.com/Edouard87/example-python-package .

The structure is this:

|-- setup.py
ˋ-- src/
    ˋ-- example_pkg/
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- module1.py

My setup.py looks like this:

from setuptools import setup

    name        = "example_package",
    package_dir = {"example_pkg": "src"},
    packages    = ["example_pkg"]

module1.py looks like this:

def func_1():

def cli():
    print("ran cli.")

class TestClass:
    def test_method(self):

__init__.py is empty.

I want to be able to import example_pkg into the python interpreter. Because I don't want to have permissions issues with my global python interpreter, I'm using a venv and I made sure to activate it.

I run pip install -e. . Then I run pip list which gives me:

example-package 0.0.0   c:\users\me\documents\python\example_package\.venv\lib\site-packages
pip             22.0.4

Now, I launch python and in the REPL I run:

import example_pkg

This gives me a ModuleImportError . I looked into lib/site-packages and the .egg-link s are there and are pointing to the correct directories.

I don't understand why this isn't working. Can anyone point to something I'm missing?


package_dir = {'': 'src'}

See https://docs.python.org/3/distutils/setupscript.html#listing-whole-packages :

" The keys to this dictionary are package names, and an empty package name stands for the root package . " — emphasize mine ( phd ).

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