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How to login to McMaster-Carr API

I am a beginner trying to log in to McMaster-Carr API. I have a.pfx authentication file, an API password, and my main login/password (email/account password). I have imported the.json file into postman and have inputted my main login credentials in the fields below, but I am not getting a success output message. I am confused as to where the API key/password goes and where I upload the.pfx file as well.


McMaster-Carr API: https://www.mcmaster.com/help/api/

How to upload.pfx file to Postman application

[ Windows / Linux ] - Select File > Settings > Certificates
[ Mac ] - Select Postman > Preferences > Certificates


On the Client Certificates section, select the Add Certificate link
Add the hostname domain of the API service: api.mcmaster.com
Upload the.pfx file
Add the passphrase for the.pfx file: API password

添加 API 证书配置

Select Add (details should appear as below)
Close the screen and try to log in again with the same request

API 证书配置已保存

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