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fastest way too fill a rows that contain all zeros

what is the fastest way to fill every row in 2d array that contains all zeros with different value.

Only the rows that all contain Zero..

the only idea I have is a loop and using np.all() to check every row

array([[2, 6, 9, 7, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [3, 8, 5, 4, 7]])

array([[2, 6, 9, 7, 0],
       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
       [3, 8, 5, 4, 7]])
import numpy as np

a = np.array([[2, 6, 9, 7, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [3, 8, 5, 4, 7]])

rowi_0 = (a==0).all(axis=1)
for idx, val in enumerate(rowi_0):
    if val == True:
        a[idx] = np.random.randint(10, size=a.shape[1])


I think this is the easiest and fast way, rewriting migth take little bit of time tho, but loops work fine for this scenario

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