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Removing from the beginning of an std::vector in C++

I might be missing something very basic here but here is what I was wondering -

We know removing an element from the beginning of an std::vector ( vector[0] ) in C++ is an O(n) operation because all the other elements have to be shifted one place backwards.

But why isn't it implemented such that the pointer to the first element is moved one position ahead so that now the vector starts from the second element and, in essence, the first element is removed? This would be an O(1) operation.

std::array and C-style arrays are fixed-length, and you can't change their length at all, so I think you're having a typo there and mean std::vector instead.

"Why was it done that way?" is a bit of a historical question. Perspectively, if your system library allowed for giving back unused memory to the operating system, your "shift backwards" trick would disallow any reuse of the former first elements' memory later on.

Also, std::vector comes from systems (like they are still basically used in every operating system) with calls like free and malloc , where you need to keep the pointer to the beginning of an allocated region around, to be able to free it later on. Hence, you'd have to lug around another pointer in the std::vector structure to be able to free the vector, and that would only be a useful thing if someone deleted from the front. And if you're deleting from the front, chances are you might be better off using a reversed vector (and delete from the end), or a vector isn't the right data structure alltogether.

It is not impossible for a vector to be implemented like that (it wouldn't be std::vector though). You need to keep the pointer to first element in addition to a pointer to the underlying array (alternatively some offset can be stored, but no matter how you put it you need to store more data in the vector).

Consider that this is useful only for one quite specific use-case: Erasing the first element. Well, once you got that you can also benefit while inserting an element in the front when there is free space left. If there is free space left then even inserting in the first half could benefit by shifting only the first half.

However, all this does not fit with the concept of capacity. With std::vector you know exactly how many elements you can add before a reallocation occurs: capcity() - size() . With your proposal this wouldn't hold any more. Erasing the first element would affect capacity in an odd way. It would complicate the interface and usages of vectors for all use cases.

Further, erasing elements anywhere else would still not be O(1) . In total it would incur a cost and add complexity for any use of the vector, while bringing an advantage only in a very narrow use case.

If you do find yourself in the situation that you need to erase the front element very often, then you can either store the vector in reverse, and erasing the last element is already O(1) , or use a different container.

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