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How run query in laravel where clause without table column name?

How can I make this query in Laravel , im new in laravel

            'p_name' => Product::select('p_name')->whereColumn('products.id','product_types.products_id'),
            'sale_qty' => Stock::selectRaw('SUM(stock_value)*-1')
                ->whereRaw('stock_value < 0')
                ->whereIn('id', Bill::select('stocks_id')
                    ->whereIn('customers_id', Customer::select('id')
            'return_qty' => Stock::selectRaw('SUM(stock_value)*-1')
                ->whereRaw('stock_value < 0')
                ->whereIn('id', Bill::select('stocks_id')
                    ->whereIn('customers_id', Customer::select('id')

its working but i want to get only sale_qty > 0 so when set sale_qty query in where clause then getting error i want to correct this query

            'p_name' => Product::select('p_name')->whereColumn('products.id','product_types.products_id'),
            'sale_qty' => Stock::selectRaw('SUM(stock_value)*-1')
                ->whereRaw('stock_value < 0')
                ->whereIn('id', Bill::select('stocks_id')
                    ->whereIn('customers_id', Customer::select('id')
            'return_qty' => Stock::selectRaw('SUM(stock_value)*-1')
                ->whereRaw('stock_value < 0')
                ->whereIn('id', Bill::select('stocks_id')
                    ->whereIn('customers_id', Customer::select('id')
            ->whereRaw('stock_value < 0')
            ->whereIn('id', Bill::select('stocks_id')
                ->whereIn('customers_id', Customer::select('id')
                    ->where('customers.sale_mans_id',$reqSalemanId))) > 0)->get()

in MySQL query which show correct result as per my requirements

(SELECT p_name FROM products WHERE id=product_types.products_id) AS p_name, 
(SELECT SUM(stock_value)*-1 FROM stocks WHERE product_types_id=product_types.id AND stock_value < 0 AND stock_type='sale' AND stock_date BETWEEN '2022-07-01' AND '2022-08-31' AND id IN (SELECT stocks_id FROM bills WHERE status=1 AND customers_id IN (SELECT id FROM customers WHERE sale_mans_id=1))) AS sale_qty, 
(SELECT SUM(stock_value)*-1 FROM stocks WHERE product_types_id=product_types.id AND stock_value < 0 AND stock_type='return' AND stock_date BETWEEN '2022-07-01' AND '2022-08-31' AND id IN (SELECT stocks_id FROM bills WHERE status=1 AND customers_id IN (SELECT id FROM customers WHERE sale_mans_id=1))) AS return_qty 
FROM product_types 
status =1 AND 
(SELECT SUM(stock_value)*-1 FROM stocks WHERE product_types_id=product_types.id AND stock_value < 0 AND stock_type='sale' AND stock_date BETWEEN '2022-07-01' AND '2022-08-31' AND id IN (SELECT stocks_id FROM bills WHERE status=1 AND customers_id IN (SELECT id FROM customers WHERE sale_mans_id=1))) > 0;

because where clause not allow without column name so how manage without column name

You can use ->whereRaw and define the condition as you like. It will be inserted as a string to the full query without any modifications. This way you have total control over it.

Check the related documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/queries#whereraw-orwhereraw

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