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Error: Expected a type, but 'SOMETHING has kind ‘SomeMyKind’

In this code (snippet) I get an error:

• Expected a type, but ‘'ResourcesM’ has kind ‘Msg’
• In the type ‘'ResourcesM’
  In the expression:
      @'ResourcesM undefined undefined (AnyMsgPkt GetResourcesMP)
  In an equation for ‘fff’:
        = toCache

the code:

data MsgPkt (m::Msg) (d::MsgDir) where
  GetResourcesMP :: MsgPkt 'ResourcesM 'AskMD
  MyResourcesMP :: MyResources -> MsgPkt 'ResourcesM 'AnsMD

data AnyMsgPkt (d::MsgDir) = forall (m::Msg). AnyMsgPkt (MsgPkt m d)


class ConcrMsg (m::Msg) (d::MsgDir) where concrMsg :: AnyMsgPkt d -> Maybe (MsgPkt m d)
instance ConcrMsg 'ResourcesM d where
  concrMsg (AnyMsgPkt a@GetResourcesMP{}) = Just a
  concrMsg (AnyMsgPkt a@MyResourcesMP{})  = Just a
  concrMsg _                              = Nothing


class Cached (m::Msg) a where
  fromCache :: Maybe UTCTime -> IPv4 -> a -> Cache -> Hit (AnsTo a)
  toCache :: UTCTime -> IPv4 -> a -> AnsTo a -> Cache -> Cache

instance forall (m::Msg).
    (ConcrMsg m 'AnsMD, Cacheable (MsgPkt m 'AskMD) ~ 'Yes)
    => Cached (AnyMsgPkt 'AskMD) where
  fromCache mbExpir ip v cst = do
    Val valExpir dat <- M.lookup (Key ip 0 $ hash v) cst
    expir <- mbExpir
    False <- pure (valExpir < expir)
    _ <- concrMsg @m dat
    pure dat
  toCache expir ip v ans cst = M.insert (Key ip 0 $ hash v) (Val expir ans) cst

fff = toCache @'ResourcesM undefined undefined (AnyMsgPkt GetResourcesMP) undefined

I tried toCache @ResourcesM.... (which is wrong from my point of view). but the error is same. How to fix it?


Adding to a parameter (m::Msg) to the class Cached fixed the problem.

To be able to write toCache @'ResourcesM... the type class of the toCache must have a type parameter of a kind Msg , if to add it:

class Cached (m::Msg) a where   -- HERE, the m
  fromCache :: Maybe UTCTime -> IPv4 -> a -> Cache -> Hit (AnsTo a)
  toCache :: UTCTime -> IPv4 -> a -> AnsTo a -> Cache -> Cache

everything becomes OK, now type "argument" m is "declared" in the scope of the class and can be passed with type application @'SOMETHING

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