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Firebase Remote Config unable to fetch values from console

I am using react-native-firebase https://rnfirebase.io/remote-config/usage to try fetching my values.

Firebase says it has fetched my values because I am receiving this console log:

"Configs were retrieved from the backend and activated."

BUT - when I try to output just the value I can only see the default values if they are set.

I am aware of the way firebase is caching remote config, but I still cant get it to work by setting a custom cache timeout.

I'm not so sure what I could be doing wrong.

Here is my code which executes on app load.

  async componentDidMount() {
    await remoteConfig()
        minimumFetchInterval: 10,
        minimumFetchIntervalMillis: 10000, // 10 secs
        fetchTimeMillis: 10000
    await remoteConfig()
        min_app_version: 1.17,
        test_param: 'disabled'
    //   await remoteConfig().fetch(0);
      await remoteConfig().fetchAndActivate(0)

      .then(fetchedRemotely => {
        if (fetchedRemotely) {
            '+++Configs were retrieved from the backend and activated.',
        } else {
            '+++++No configs were fetched from the backend, and the local configs were already activated',

    //Code to get All parameters from Firebase Remote config
    //ONLY default values show here if they are set
    const parameters = remoteConfig().getAll();
    Object.entries(parameters).forEach($ => {
      const [key, entry] = $;
      console.log('--Key: ', key);
      console.log('--Source: ', entry.getSource());
      console.log('--Value: ', entry.asString());

    const minAppVersion = remoteConfig().getValue('min_app_version');
    const isApplicationOn = remoteConfig().getBoolean('is_application_on');

    //set value in redux (local storage)

The issue was my google plist file from firebase was not copying over properly in my xCode build phase script so things were not entirely in sync.

For example, I used this to copy the right file over. I was using an if/else condition before that was not working, so I changed to a switch sdtatement and its fine now.

I fixed this by using case/switch instead of if/else...

case "${CONFIGURATION}" in

   "Release" )
        echo "BUILD CONFIG: RELEASE"
   "dev.release" )

   "Debug" )
        echo "BUILD CONFIG: DEBUG"
   "dev.debug" )
        echo "BUILD CONFIG: DEBUG DEV"


I really don't know why the if/else was not working, but, I hope this helps someone!

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