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How to upload a csv to box folder using powershell

i'm new to powershell i have a script running on multiple devices to fetch details and i want a single csv to be generated with those details in a box folder. i wanted to know how to upload a csv to box folder using powershell without hard coding any credentials in script.

Any help will be thankfull.

Your question seems more authentication-related than PowerShell syntax-related.

I would first check out the documentation below from Box to get started:

Automate Box Integration Tasks from PowerShell

This link describes how to install the module and use it with these examples:


Install the module

Install-Module BoxCmdlets
$box = Connect-Box  -OAuthClientId "$OAuthClientId" -OAuthClientSecret "$OAuthClientSecret" -CallbackURL "$CallbackURL"
Search for and retrieve data
$id = "123"
$files = Select-Box -Connection $box -Table "Files" -Where "Id = `'$Id`'"

There's a whole getting started guide here Use Box CLI with OAuth 2.0 | developer.box.com and chapter 5 focuses on using Powershell scripts with the CLI

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