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Unable to attach to Azure App Service from Visual Studio 2019 Community edition

I have an Azure App Service which hosts my Web Api solution. Sometimes, when there's a production issue which can not be reproduced on local environment, I usually attach a Visual Studio 2019 (community edition) debugger to that live instance.

For some reason, now it has stopped. When I try to attach the debugger by making a reference to Cloud Explorer > Pay As You Go > App Services > my-app-service (right-click and Attach Debugger) I get the following error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x89710023): Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named '************************.azurewebsites.net'.  The connection with the remote endpoint was terminated.

at Microsoft.WebTools.Azure.VS.Operations.IDebuggerInternal120.ConnectToServer(String szServerName, VsDebugRemoteConnectOptions[] pConnectOptions, CONNECT_REASON ConnectReason, Int32 fIncrementUsageCount, IDebugCoreServer3& ppServer)
at Microsoft.WebTools.Azure.VS.Operations.RemoteDiagnosticsSessionBase`1.ConnectToServer(String site, String user, String password)

I have no idea why is that. Tried to logout/login from my Azure account, also tried to restart the app service oh Azure but still nothing. Also tried to re-deploy the app but again nothing.

  • I have tried to remote debug the Azure App service from VS 2019 Community Edition, got the same error.

Tried the below approaches:

Approach 1:

In Visual Studio => View => Cloud Explorer => Select your App Service => Right click and Attach Debugger.

Got the below error.


Approach 2:

In VS => Debug tab => Attach to process. In Connection target enter the deployed URL name without https Ex: YourWebAppName.azurewebsites.net


  • It asks to enter the credentials. In Deployed Azure Web App=> click on Get Publish profile, there you will find the username name and password.



Approach 3:

In Publish window => Hosting => Attach Debugger在此处输入图像描述


Refer Configure ports for more information

As mentioned in official MSDoc , if you still face after checking all the approaches, you can report the issue.

You can follow the GitHub link for further updates.

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