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Include namespace in xmltodict.unparse output

I use xmltodict to convert Python dictionaries to XML. I would like to include the namespaces. What I've come up with is this:

xml_dict = {
        {"action-list": "..."}
namespaces = {"http://namespace.org": "ws"}
xml = xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict, namespaces=namespaces,
                        pretty=True, short_empty_elements=True, full_document=False)

That gives me the result:


How can I include the namespaces in the result? I would like something like this:

<ws:workflow xmlns:ws="http://namespace.org">

Is there a simple solution using xmltodict ?

Note: I've checked all keyword arguments in the source code of unparse and _emit functions. I guess the preprocessor argument will be the key to a better solution. But it's not documented.

Not nice, and not a general solution to add all the namespaces, but works.

import xmltodict

xml_dict = {
            "@REPLACE_THIS": "http://namespace.org",
            "action-list": "..."
namespaces = {"http://namespace.org": "ws"}
xml = xmltodict.unparse(xml_dict, namespaces=namespaces, pretty=True, short_empty_elements=True, full_document=False)
xml = xml.replace("REPLACE_THIS", "xmlns:ws", 1)

That gives me exactly what I want:

<ws:workflow xmlns:ws="http://namespace.org">

The third argument in the replace function makes it sure that not other occurrences of "REPLACE_THIS" will be replaced, just the first one.

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