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Output of echo in a while loop inside a busybox container does not change

I am trying to get a busybox Pod to output some logs in a JSON format every second while updating the time timestamp and the msg value for debugging purposes.

For that, I create the following hello-pod

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: hello-pod
 - name: count
   image: busybox
   args: [
    'i=0; while true; do echo "{\"time\":$(date +%s),\"msg\":\"This is my dummy log number $i\"}"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done'

I expect the Pod to write the following to the standard output

{"time":1662474158,"msg":"This is my dummy log number 0"}
{"time":1662474159,"msg":"This is my dummy log number 1"}
{"time":1662474160,"msg":"This is my dummy log number 2"}

However, I'm getting the same log output, time stays the same and i has no value.

{"time":1662473834,"msg":"This is my dummy log number "}
{"time":1662473834,"msg":"This is my dummy log number "}
{"time":1662473834,"msg":"This is my dummy log number "}

After looking a bit at this thread , I tried updating the echo statement in the third argument with echo "{\"time\":my-time}" | sed "s/my-time/$(date +%s)/" echo "{\"time\":my-time}" | sed "s/my-time/$(date +%s)/" which I expected to replace the my-time string with the new current time but I still get the same result. (The first echo as output every second)

If you remove the kubectl apply -f - , you will see what's being cat 'd to kubectl and, I think you'll find that the variables have been substituted once when the file was generated.

This should work:

echo 'apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: hello-pod
 - name: count
   image: busybox
   args: [
    "i=0; while true; do echo {\"time\":$(date +%s),\"msg\":\"This is my dummy log number ${i}\"}; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done"
   ]' | kubectl apply --filename=-

My personal preference is to avoid combining JSON [...] with YAML and to use YAML's pipe ( | ) to more cleanly lay out the script:

echo 'apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: hello-pod
 - name: count
   image: busybox
   - /bin/sh
   - -c
   - |
     while true
       echo "{\"time\":$(date +%s),\"msg\":\"This is my dummy log number ${i}\"}"
       sleep 1
' | kubectl apply --filename=-

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