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How to Upgrading dockerized postgres from 11 to 12

So as the title says i have a dockerized postgres database on a rails app. I'm just wondering how i'd go about upgrading the postgres version. I havn't done any upgade work before so I'm don't want to lose data.

docker-compose file

    image: postgres:11.5
      - "5432:5432"
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

You can use pg_dumpall command for upgrading eg 11.x to 12.x:

  1. Backup your old database
docker exec -it <your-old-postgres-container-id> /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U <postgres-username> backupfile   #postgres-username='postgres'
  1. Start new container with new Postgres version ( Note! with new volume mount )
  2. Import backuped file into new container
ocker exec -it <new-postgres-container-id> psql < backupfile
  1. Stop old container and verify Import in new container

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