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Using AWS Kinesis with localstack and Apache Flink ingress

I have localstack running a mock Kinesis stream within my Docker Compose at http://localstack:4645

I am using the Flink Kinesis ingress io type to attempt to connect to the stream.


Following the above I created

kind: io.statefun.kinesis.v1/ingress
  id: com/sentiment
    type: specific
    id: us-east-1
    type: custom-endpoint
    endpoint: https://localhost:4566
    id: us-east-1
    accessKeyId: key
    secretAccessKey: secret
    type: latest
    - stream: customer-details
      valueType: namespace/SentimentEvent
        - namespace/sentiment
    - SocketTimeout: 9999
    - MaxConnections: 15

I then start up my Docker Compose file which contains the Flink StateFun image but I get this error within my logs:

Caused by: org.apache.flink.shaded.jackson2.com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Invalid AWS credential type: custom-endpoint; valid values are [default, basic, profile] (through reference chain: org.apache.flink.statefun.flink.io.kinesis.binders.ingress.v1.RoutableKinesisIngressSpec$Builder["awsCredentials"])

It's confusing as the docs say:

Custom Endpoint #
Connects to an AWS region through a non-standard AWS service endpoint. This is typically used only for development and testing purposes.

  type: custom-endpoint
  endpoint: https://localhost:4567
  id: us-west-1

But it doesn't seem to be valid configuration.

I can access the Localstack stream fine with the awslocal tool and my other applications within my Docker Compose so I know that's not the issue.

I can't see seem to figure out the issue.

Turns out endpoint needs to go under the awsRegion section in the config.

    type: custom-endpoint
    id: us-east-1
    endpoint: https://localstack:4566

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