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Reduce the number of switch - case with Object Literals

I'm studying javascript, and I've already seen that there's a way to reduce the number of switch - case with Object Literals. I'm trying to change this method, but I am not able to reduce the number of switches

 static darkerColors(value: string, theme: ThemeMode) {
    const test = theme === ThemeMode.LIGHT
    switch (value) {
      case Colors.BLUE: {
        return test ? '#253F82' : '#BED1FF'
      case Colors.CYAN: {
        return test ? '#066262' : '#A2EAEA'
      case Colors.PURPLE: {
        return test ? '#4727B0' : '#D3C6FD'
      case Colors.ORANGE: {
        return test ? '#9C2100' : '#FF9377'
      case Colors.YELLOW: {
        return test ? '#6C5200' : '#F9E298'
        return test ? '#32363B' : '#C9CED4'

you can use an object to handle the configuration

like this

 const config = { light: { blue: '#253F82', default: '#32363B' }, default: { blue: '#BED1FF', default: '#C9CED4' } } function darkerColors(value, theme) { const fallback = 'default' const colors = config[theme] || config[fallback] return colors[value] || colors[fallback] } console.log(darkerColors('blue', 'light')) console.log(darkerColors('red', 'light')) console.log(darkerColors('blue', 'dark')) console.log(darkerColors('red', 'dark'))

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