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Receive video+audio with pipeline

My PIPELINE-DESCRIPTION only video works:

"rtspsrc protocols=tcp location=" + urlStream_ + " latency=300 ! decodebin3 ! autovideosink ! autoaudiosink";

But... I would like receive video+audio. I only receive it on the first frame and no audio:

"rtspsrc protocols=tcp location=" + urlStream_ + " latency=300 ! decodebin3 ! autovideosink ! autoaudiosink";

You will need to connect the autoaudiosink the the decodebin3 . Currently you are connecting the sink to the video sink - which obviously is bogus.

It it also advised to use a queue after each demuxer pad. Try:

"rtspsrc protocols=tcp location=" + urlStream_ + " latency=300 ! decodebin3 name=decodebin ! queue ! autovideosink decodebin. ! queue ! autoaudiosink";

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