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spring boot app run time error, trying to load file which doesn't exist in the project ( CompositeHealthIndicatorConfiguration)

We have standard spring boot app and while booting, it's showing below error in console. However, looking at spring dependency tree, there is no lib which has this file which make sense. The actual lib which has this file has a different folder path that it is showing. Cleaned the project, and tried rebuilding without luck. No lib conflicts in maven dependency tree as well. Not sure at run time why spring is looking at the folder location for that file. The version which actually has this actuator file is nowhere imported in my project. Inspected the final artifact jar also to make sure correct spring-actuator version is used and it is but at runtime, it is somehow trying to look up that folder. Advise if you have seen this kind of issue before. Thanks.


org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to process import candidates for configuration class [com.jpmorgan.pb.credit.lc.sbl.workflow.LcSblWorkflowServiceApplication]; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [org/springframework/boot/actuate/autoconfigure/CompositeHealthIndicatorConfiguration.class] cannot be opened because it does not exist

In above message, the file path should be ( based on the spring libs in project ):


Lib version in project:

spring-boot-autoconfigure: 2.2.13-RELEASE

spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure: 2.2.13-RELEASE

spring-boot-actuator: 2.2.13-RELEASE

Above versions are shown in maven dependency tree, no other version is shown.

Thanks in advance!

I think maybe it is a conflicting library. Can I have your pom?

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