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Remove NA from a dataframe column R

I have a dataframe named Resultaat

Cluster Number
W63     1020 NA NA NA 1100
W50     1020 NA 1240 NA NA

I want to remove all the NA values en keep the numbers. The columns are defined as character.

Expected output

Cluster Number
W63     1020 1100
W50     1020 1240 

I tried things like gsub("^NA(?:\\s+NA)*\\b\\s*|\\s*\\bNA(?:\\s+NA)*$", "", Resultaat$Number) & Resultaat <- Resultaat[.is.na(Resultaat)] but nothing works

Here is one option - read the column 'Number' with read.table and unite all the columns, excluding the NA elements with na.rm = TRUE

read.table(text = Resultaat$Number, header = FALSE, fill = TRUE) %>% 
  unite(Number, everything(), na.rm = TRUE, sep = " ") %>% 
  bind_cols(Resultaat[1], .)


Cluster    Number
1     W63 1020 1100
2     W50 1020 1240

Regarding the gsub , it can be

gsub("\\s+NA|NA\\s+|NA$|^NA", "", Resultaat$Number)
[1] "1020 1100" "1020 1240"

Or may also use tidvyerse methods as

Resultaat %>%
   separate_rows(Number) %>% 
   na_if("NA") %>%
   drop_na() %>%
   group_by(Cluster) %>%
   summarise(Number = str_c(Number, collapse = " "))


# A tibble: 2 × 2
  Cluster Number   
  <chr>   <chr>    
1 W50     1020 1240
2 W63     1020 1100


Resultaat <- structure(list(Cluster = c("W63", "W50"), 
Number = c("1020 NA NA NA 1100", 
"1020 NA 1240 NA NA")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Assuming all numbers and NAs are space separated:


Resultaat$Number <- Resultaat$Number %>% 
  str_split(pattern = " ") %>% 
  map_chr(~ paste(.x[.x != "NA"], collapse = " "))

Here is a base R option with regmatches with pattern [^(NA) ]+

  Number = sapply(
      gregexpr("[^(NA) ]+", Number)
    collapse = " "

which gives

  Cluster    Number
1     W63 1020 1100
2     W50 1020 1240

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