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How to search in a string for the date between dateFrom and dateTo

I have three parameters, $motivazione , $dateFrom and $dateTo , in my table I have the following string: {"motivation": 17, "dfp": "31/10/2022"}

The query must return the id of the row if the string in the db contains motivazione: $motivazione and dfp: between dateFrom and dateTo,

with the following query I can only get the date contained in the string:

SELECT column, SUBSTRING (column, CHARINDEX ('dfp', column) +6, 10) FROM myTable

but I can't compare it

how can I do?

Thank you

Convert your date string to a SQL Server date: CONVERT(DATE,'31/10/2022', 103) .

The format 103 is dd/mm/yyyy . If you don't specify it, you will get the US format mm/dd/yyyy .

Also, if you have a JSON string, use @AnthonyG's advice to extract the date value.

A where clause would be something like this

WHERE JSON_VALUE(Data, '$.dfp') BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-01-31'

Use the year first format for date literals, then you will not have dd/mm - mm/dd issue.

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