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How to create a dex with D8.bat

I used to create dex file with dx.bat like this:

"c:\SDKs\android\build-tools\32.0.0\dx.bat" --dex --output=C:\Dev\MagicFoundation\Alcinoe\Tools\AddRJavaToClassesDex\tmp\classes.dex C:\Dev\MagicFoundation\Alcinoe\Tools\AddRJavaToClassesDex\tmp\obj.zip

How to do the same with d8.bat?

Creating DEX file using d8 can be achieved using:

d8 --output <output-folder> <input-files>

In your case, the following is an equivalent:

c:\SDKs\android\build-tools\32.0.0\d8.bat --output C:\Dev\MagicFoundation\Alcinoe\Tools\AddRJavaToClassesDex\tmp C:\Dev\MagicFoundation\Alcinoe\Tools\AddRJavaToClassesDex\tmp\obj.zip

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