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How to POST data from pure HTML website to Laravel API

I have a HTML website that post data to laravel API but the data is not saving in the database and it is not showing any error message. This is the jquery im using inside the html page

  var inputs = {};
  inputs.fullname = $("#Fullname").val();
  inputs.email = $("#Email").val();
  inputs.constituent = $("#Constituent").val();
  inputs.subject = $("#Subject").val();
  inputs.message = $("#Message").val();
      url : "",
      type: "POST",
      data: inputs,
      returnType: "JSON",
      success: function(response)
        alert("Complaint sent!");
      error: function(a, b, c)

this is the api.php

Route::post("complaints", [ApiController::class, 'store']);

And this is my controller

        $v = new Feedback;
        $v->FullName = $request->FullName;
        $v->Constituent = $request->Constituent;
        $v->Email = $request->Email;
        $v->Subject = $request->Subject;
        $v->Message = $request->Message;

Are you sure your laravel model and database migration files are correct? Make sure the db configs in the env file.

note: no migration table file is required. The parts I have given below are sufficient for the process.

.env db config


Table Model

class XXModel extends Model
    use HasFactory, Notifiable, SoftDeletes;

    protected $table        = 'dbq_xx_table'; // db table name
    protected $primaryKey   = 'id';
    public $timestamps      = true;
    protected $fillable     = [ // db colums

Table data create

return XXModel::create([
  'xx_1'           => $request->xx_1,
  'xx_2'           => $request->xx_2,

Table data update

return XXModel::where('id',$request->id)->update([ 
 'xx_1'           => $request->xx_1,

The object returned by created is the model register object

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