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How can I add a hyperlink with python/flask

I am using Flask to build a website. I have an html form that will add a subscriber to a database. When I update the website, the subscribers will get an email notification. How can I add to the email a hyperlink to allow them to choose to unsubscribe. (I have a function set up already that I can delete the subscribers, but I want them to have the option of removing themselves.) Any ideas?

here is my email code

 subscriber_message = "You have been subscribed. Thank you.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you wish to be removed from the subscription list" click here.
 server=smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
 server.login(my_email, pw)
 server.sendmail(my_email, subscriber_email, subscriber_message)

I want the "click here." to be the hyperlink

here is the code I want it to receive when the link is clicked.

@auth.route('/delete-subscribers', methods=['POST'])
def delete_subscribers():
    sub = json.loads(request.data)
    subscribersId = sub['subscribersId']
    sub = Subscribers.query.get(subscribersId)
    if sub:

        flash('Subscriber does not exist in database.', category='error')

    return jsonify({})

Any ideas? Thank you.

add to the email a hyperlink

Send actual HTML payload with <a href="http://unsubscribe-here.com">Unsubscribe</a> rather than a raw string.

You may use Jinja2 templates to help with that.

Then it's up to the email client to properly render HTML content.

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