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Tweepy does not return includes object using StreamingClient

I am using tweepy 4.10.1 to fetch Tweets using StreamingClient , but I am unable to load any media info or even includes object itself. I have tried the similar code using get_tweet() method and media and includes were received fine.

The code:

class TweetPrinter(tweepy.StreamingClient):
    def on_tweet(self, tweet):

streaming_client = TweetPrinter('bearer-token')


streaming_client.filter(tweet_fields=['author_id', 'created_at'],
                        media_fields=['preview_image_url', 'url'],


I am receiving following error:

raise AttributeError from None

When I use the same tweet id with get_tweet() method, I can retrieve media from includes fine.

client = tweepy.Client(config.BEARER)

ID = 'xxxxyyyy'

tweet = client.get_tweet(ID,
                         tweet_fields=['author_id', 'created_at'],
                         media_fields=['preview_image_url', 'url'],


According to Google, official docs and FAQ, I have tried all recommended steps I found

What am I missing here?


I have discovered that using on_data() is the proper way how to retrieve all data from tweet. It covers all tweet , includes and other objects.

So the proper code should looks like this:

import orjson

class TweetPrinter(tweepy.StreamingClient):
    def on_data(self, raw_data):
        # Received as bytes, needs to be loaded by json (I use orjson)
        raw_data = orjson.loads(raw_data)
        print(raw_data.get('data', None))
        print(raw_data.get('includes', None))

Deprecated solution

The TweetPrinter class should contain function to handle when includes received like this:

class TweetPrinter(tweepy.StreamingClient):
    def on_tweet(self, tweet):

    def on_includes(self, includes):

Thanks to this article, it helped me to find the proper solution:)

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