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Error: "NameError: name 'pwn' is not defined"

After using the following command to download pwn tools

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pwntools

I created a python file called exp.py and in the top of the file I import the pwn tools like this

import pwn

I also used this method

from pwn import *

but am running the program and am getting the following msg

File "exp.py", line 5, in <module>
    pwn.context.log_level = 'critical'
NameError: name 'pwn' is not defined

After looking on the code the problem was that i was writing the function from pwn like this


So i was getting the error of pwn.context.log_level = 'critical', if i remvoed the pwn and keep it like this context.log_level = 'critical' the error did not appear

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