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How do I delete a document from Firebase 9 js using a query?

I want to delete a doc from 'albums' collection, but only the one, which name property matches props.album.name. I would expect this code to work:

  const colRef = collection(firestore, 'albums')
  const q = query(colRef, where('name', '==', props.album.name))
  const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q)
  querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {

but I get an error instead:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got undefined

What am I doing wrong?

Since you're looping over a QuerySnapshot each doc object is a QueryDocumentSnapshot , while deleteDoc expects a DocumentReference . To get from the former to the latter, you can call .ref on the snapshot.


querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {

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