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How do I dynamically sort nested entities using Spring Data's Sort?

I have the following JPQL query in a Spring Data Repository:

public interface CarRepository extends Repository<Car, Integer> {
    @Query("select distinct c.model from Car c where c.id in :ids")
    Set<Model> findDistinctModelByIdIn(@Param("ids") Set<Integer> ids, Sort sort);

A client calls the query as follows (which is exposed via Spring Data REST):


However, the results are returned unsorted. How can I sort based on the client sort request parameter?

Does Spring only sort on the domain type the repository manages (eg, only Car not Model )?


Here is my domain model:

public class Car {
    private Long id;
    private Model model;

public class Model {
    private Long id;

    private String name;

Does Spring only sort on the domain type the repository manages (eg, only Car not Model)?

Actually, does. I've modeled a case like yours and didn't face any problems. Here it is . What if the cornerstone is in the Spring s version? It often happens that in some versions the internal implementation is very different...

Spring supports that for sure, the only thing is that it performs a crossjoin, which means you'll lose the entities with a null Model from the result.

To debug this I would suggest you add this config:

    show-sql: true

Then you can check in the console/ logs the executed db query and see if the sorting was there, hence find whether the problem is in the query generation or in the data.

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