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How can I get the resume date of a Task Assignment in code?

I'm writing a script that needs to check the resume dates of resource assignments on a given task. You can see the resume dates of resource assignments in the task usage view of MS Project:

MS 项目任务使用

I need to check the Resume date for each assignment because they can potentially be different than the task's resume date:

任务使用视图 2

In the MS Project API, the Assignment object doesn't seem to be able to access the Resume value, even though it can access most other fields for assignments.


Is there a way to access the Resume date of a Resource Assignment in code without needing to actually select the assignment in the task usage view?

The Resume date for an assignment is the next working day after the last day with Actual Work for that assignment. Here's a vba sample that should readily convert to c#:

Function FindResumeDate(a As Assignment) As Variant

    If a.ActualWork = 0 Then
        FindResumeDate = "NA"
        Dim tsvs As TimeScaleValues
        Set tsvs = a.TimeScaleData(a.Start, a.Finish, pjAssignmentTimescaledActualWork, pjTimescaleDays)
        Dim i As Long
        i = tsvs.Count + 1
            i = i - 1
        Loop Until i = 1 Or VarType(tsvs(i).Value) = vbDouble
        Dim resDate As Date
        If a.RemainingWork = 0 Then
            resDate = tsvs(i).StartDate
            resDate = Fix(Application.DateAdd(tsvs(i).StartDate, 481))
        End If
        FindResumeDate = resDate
    End If
End Function

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