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Issue while using Tableau Operator in Airflow

I am using AWS MWAA ver 2.2.2 and trying to use the Tableau operator to refresh a workbook. I created a Tableau connection using a username and password. In the Tableau operator I passed the following parameters


But when I run it I get the following error: tableauserverclient.server.exceptions.NotSignedInError: Missing site ID. You must sign in first. tableauserverclient.server.exceptions.NotSignedInError: Missing site ID. You must sign in first.

If tableau online has "/#/site/test/projects/4" in the URL then I am passing the "test" to the site_id variable. I am not sure where else I am missing site_id.

I was able to resolve this by upgrading the version of the Tableau provider. I was using apache-airflow-providers-tableau==2.1.2 which has a bug, after updating it to version 2.1.3 this error was resolved.

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