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How to set different type for variable in POJO than expected while deserializing json using gson

I want to convert JSON object back to Person object java, but field key can be String or String[]. So I am getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected STRING but was BEGIN_ARRAY at path $.key

Example Json files:

    "name":"Elon Musk",
      "model":"Tesla Roadster",
      "name":"Falcon 9",


JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(input.readUTF()).getAsJsonObject();

Gson gson = new Gson();

Person person = gson.fromJson(jsonObject, Person.class);

public class Person  {
String type;
String key;
Value value;

May be you need to create custom deserializer like this:

class MyTypeModelDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyBaseTypeModel> {

    public MyBaseTypeModel deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT, final JsonDeserializationContext context)
            throws JsonParseException {

        JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();

        JsonElement jsonType = jsonObject.get("type");
        String type = jsonType.getAsString();

        MyBaseTypeModel typeModel = null;     

        if("type1".equals(type)) {
            typeModel = new Type1Model();
        } else if("type2".equals(type)) {
            typeModel = new Type2Model();
        // TODO : set properties of type model

        return typeModel;

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