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Meteor Tabular errors on initialization

I'm following along the guide to setup Meteor Tabular v2.1.2 ( guide ). I have added the package and installed the theming packages. I'm using Meteor v2.8.0 and the project is a Blaze-based project.

In client/main.js , I set up the library as instructed.

 import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery'; import dataTablesBootstrap from 'datatables.net-bs'; import 'datatables.net-bs/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css'; import "../imports/ui/body"; dataTablesBootstrap(window, $);

Now when I go to the browser, there is this error: 浏览器错误

Can anyone help me on this?

So after serious debugging, I discovered it is enough to just import the DataTable module as such after installing it with npm

    import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
    import 'datatables.net-bs';
    import 'datatables.net-bs/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css';

    import "../imports/ui/body";

//  You don't need the code previously here . 

You can now setup you DataTable as such

$(element).DataTable(//Your config object)

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