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How to get public and private key from CNG (BCrypt) RSA algorithm?

I am kind of stuck, I want to generate new pair of public and private keys. But I can't find a way to extract them.

I used this: (C++)

    status = BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(&hAlg,

    if (status) {}

    status = BCryptGenerateKeyPair(hAlg, &hKey, 1024, 0);

    if (status) {}

    status = BCryptFinalizeKeyPair(&hKey, 0);

    if (status) {}

(dont mind the status, ill check it later:-) ) but now I want to extract the pair of keys, cant find an example or matching function I might do something wrong, but what?

"export it to?" BCryptExportKey function exports a key to a memory BLOB that can be persisted for later use.

And then you could use the BCryptImportKeyPair function imports a public/private key pair from a key BLOB.

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