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Add dynamically a string or an XElement as child to XElement

I'm trying to convert a two dimension list of string to an html table. I did this who does the job:

    public string htmlTableFromTwoDimensionList(List<List<string>> list)
        XDocument xDocument = new XDocument(new XElement("table"));
        XElement xTable = xDocument.Element("table");

        foreach(List<string> row in list)
            XElement xRow = new XElement("tr");
            foreach(string col in row)

                if (list.First() == row) xRow.Add(new XElement("th", col));
                else xRow.Add(new XElement("td", col));

        return xDocument.ToString();

But now, i learn that the string can be some html. So i would like to parse it if it's html or use a string if it's not. I tried to do something like that, without success:

public string htmlTableFromTwoDimensionList(List<List<string>> list)
        XDocument xDocument = new XDocument(new XElement("table"));
        XElement xTable = xDocument.Element("table");

        foreach(List<string> row in list)
            XElement xRow = new XElement("tr");
            foreach(string col in row)
                XElement content;
                string text = "";

                // tcheck if content is html or text :
                    content = XElement.Parse(col);
                    text = col;

                if (list.First() == row) xRow.Add(new XElement("th", string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? content : text));
                else xRow.Add(new XElement("td", string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? content : text));

        return xDocument.ToString();

But I'm not even sure to use try catch in this situation. Any idea to do that properly?

here is a solution, probably not the best, with some sample input:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<List<string>> table = new List<List<String>>{
            new List<String> { "1d", "Client", "some html", "Date", "col n"},
            new List<String> { "1", "Client 1","<a href=\"https://www.google.com\">google</a>","31/12/2022", "some content ..." },
            new List<String> { "2", "Client 2","<a href=\"https://www.google.com\">google</a>","31/12/2022", "some content ..." },
            new List<String> { "3", "Client 3","<a href=\"https://www.google.com\">google</a>","31/12/2022", "some content ..." },


    public static string htmlTableFromTwoDimensionList(List<List<string>> list)
        XDocument xDocument = new XDocument(new XElement("table"));
        XElement xTable = xDocument.Element("table");

        foreach (List<string> row in list)
            XElement xRow = new XElement("tr");
            foreach (string col in row)
                XElement htmlCel;
                if (list.First() == row) htmlCel = new XElement("th");
                else htmlCel = new XElement("td");

                XElement content;

                    content = XElement.Parse(col);

        return xDocument.ToString();

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